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Mar 11, 2020 - Thought Garden    Comments Off on The Ancient Archives

The Ancient Archives

The Ancient Archives

I have been eager to tell you about what I call THE ANCIENT ARCHIVES.  It is my belief that every person has within them these ANCIENT ARCHIVES.  I refer to them as “THE ANCIENT ARCHIVES.”

THE ANCIENT ARCHIVES within a person actually contain thoughts from the Mind of God.  Since every person is a part of God, every person has the Mind and consequently the thoughts of God within them.  Every person is a part of God because God created every person.

For the past several years, I have been finding these thoughts within my mind.  When I do find them, the awareness of their arrival is very strong. I can actually feel a physical shifting of consciousness in my body when an archival thought is found and recognized.  I felt this sensation a lot when we were in Rochester, Minnesota on a summer vacation with Sally a few years ago.

I like to call these thoughts from THE ARCHIVES “Axioms”.  An Axiom is a self-evident truth and a universally accepted principle or rule.  I like the word Axiom, it concisely states what something is. I like to capitalize Axiom when it’s used to express a thought from THE ARCHIVES because I believe it’s source to be God.

I believe every person has within them the Mind of God often called the Mind of Christ.  I believe that each person is either asleep or awake to the Mind of Christ within them. When they are awake, it’s called Salvation. An unawakened person is asleep in Christ.  I believe everyone will eventually awaken to who we truly are — the part of God we are — a Son of God, like Jesus.

I’m eager to share these ANCIENT ARCHIVES with you.  I have found the THOUGHTS from THE ARCHIVES shown below one at a time over the past several years.  I still find them most often during my daily walks at Russell Park on Lake Georgetown. It’s why I call the park on Lake Georgetown my classroom.

Mar 11, 2020 - Thought Garden    Comments Off on Thoughts from the Archives

Thoughts from the Archives

Thoughts From The Archives

“Storms in life come and go. Though seldom understood, they come at our beckon. With their destruction come gifts we have summoned. In clearing the debris, the gifts will appear.”

“Be present in the present.”

“Forgiveness translates sins (Mistakes) into miracles”

“My thoughts write my biography…”

“Those wounded most heal most.”

“Dear Garrett — when you find the right woman she will continue to honor, enchant, excite, inspire, encourage and stand by you…”

“Speaking with the Holy Spirit is speaking with power”

“Patience is possessing the wisdom to wait on The Holy Spirit to bring into effect the will of God.”

“Trade frustration for patience.”

“You don’t have to hurry or worry when we are helping you.  We’ve already preceded you where you are going.  If and when you do need to hurry, we will help you hurry.”

“I can best help my brother by changing (healing) in me what I see in him…”

“My Spirit knew when it was time to enter my body — and it knows best when it’s time to leave.”

“When I see something in you it helps me see it better in me.”

“Fear is all that stands between me and Heaven.”

“When I meet a new person, I can meet a new part of myself.  It will be a part of myself I would not see without their help.”

“Making mistakes doesn’t make me unworthy.  Mistakes may cost me some friends, benefits and comforts — but not my soul.”

“Nothing I could ever want would be more than what I already have.”

“I hold no thoughts alone — I make no decisions alone.”

“Music often says what words can’t.”

“Evil works its own destruction thus becoming its own demise.”

“What I see depends on how I see.”

“The past has been my teacher.  It has brought me to where I am now. Let me remember it with respect and awe for what it has taught me.  It’s lessons are of great value and become great assets when remembered aright and not forgotten.” 

“Hell is but a stopping point on the way to Heaven.”

“How well I deal with my past determines my future.”

“Lessons stick best when they cost something. The more they cost, the more I learn.”

“Everything that ever happened to me that I thought was bad eventually turned out good.”

“It’s helpful to understand that goodness will always prevail over any evil deed.  It’s why we return good for wrong doings. Wrong doings covered in goodness eventually bring wrong doings to their end.” 

“When I write, I re-live what happened — as time passes, my writing will show me how differently I see what happened.”

“Truth defends itself although at times, a good lawyer merely need be its spokesman.”

“Where is Heaven?  My thoughts can take me there whenever I want.  My thoughts take me with them wherever they go.  If they descend in to hell so do I.  If they rise into Heaven so do I.”

“With each single loss comes gain — the greater the loss, the greater the gain.”

“I can be in Heaven now merely by letting go of every fearful thought.” 

“Empowerment comes whenever I need it — I can always count on that!  Until I need God’s energy, it remains at rest in me.  Knowing this, there’s really nothing to fear.”

“Dear……, it took the pain of losing you to pierce my wounds deep enough to heal.”

“To decide is my greatest power.  Every decision I make produces a different flow chart of possibilities my life will follow.  When I want my life to look different, I can simply decide differently.”

“My thoughts reflect the way I write — the way I write reflects my thoughts.”

“We all experience redirections in life. Some redirection events are more difficult than others.  All redirections but serve only to return one to communion with God.”

“When you don’t know what to do, think a thought you’ve never thought before.”

“The greater the dilemma, the greater the answer.  Expect an incredible solution when facing a big problem.”  (See Garrett’s 3 pointer basketball story)

“Eternity is already here, we’re in it now.  I can enjoy it most when I fully engage, explore and treasure each present moment it holds to nurture me.”

“When I want my life to look different, I can simply decide differently.  The gift of decision is my greatest power — I can employ its power whenever I want to…”  

“Reading and writing, what time well spent.  When I write, I get to see what’s inside my heart.  When I read, I get to see I’m not alone.”

“When overwhelmed by any evil influence, I need only walk away — the sooner I do the easier it is.”

“Darkness ends in the presence of light.  The light I can shine is my own.”

“To forgive is but to undo condemnation — God does not condemn, why should we?  See John 8:11…”

“There are no victims — only students.”

“When you fall, you cannot but fall into the arms of angels.”

“Judge not against yourself, God doesn’t.”

“Only by quitting does one fail.”

“My greatest accomplishment in life will be to learn to love myself.”

“You can’t hate yourself better — you have to love yourself better.”

“To hate someone else, you must first hate yourself.  To TRULY love someone else, you must first love yourself.”

“All hatred in the end will be discovered to be self hatred”

“Your happiness in life is largely a function of who you choose to share yours with.”

“So you want to marry me?  Show me your Dark Spots first then I’ll let you know.  I know you have some, we all do.  I’ll have to see what yours are and decide if I can live with them.”

“Your future begins in your imagination when your imagination finds it in your heart.”

“Begrudge no one their curriculum — merely love them and support them through it.”

“The best way to love someone is to accept them as they are.”

“Your function with your past is not to forget it but rather to see it differently.”

“We all see the same things, we simply see them differently.”

“There’s enough misery here (Earth) to remind me it’s not my home.”

“Embrace your enemy and he will cease to be your enemy.”

“Try as you may, you cannot in any way taint or damage the Part of God that you are.  You’ll always belong to God, it’s as simple as that.”

“Troubles are but events that test one’s investment in illusions.  Troubles will always, sooner of later, bring you home to God.”

“There is a part of God that is you.”

“There is a star up there that is you.  When clouds hide your presence, I’ll know you are still there.  Though clouds come and go, you remain unchanged.”

“Look around and see how you feel about others and you’ll see how you feel about yourself.”

“Dad, you say I’m beautiful, you’ll have to show me — you say I’m wonderful, you’ll have to prove it to me.”

“The role of a parent is to behold the beauty in a child and reflect it back to them.”

“Making a new friend is like discovering a new galaxy.”

“Be present in the present.”

“When I look through a distorted lens, I feel afraid.  When I look through a clear lens, I feel peace.”

“When things become quiet outside me, I can hear what’s inside me.”

“Hell is but a spring board to Heaven.  When I go there, I learn it’s not where I belong.”

Whenever I perceive need for change in a brother, I can do it best by changing me. When I change, he will change too. When I change (heal) on the inside, it effects change (healing) in everyone else. It works like this because we are all connected. God has one Son made up of many persons — it’s called the Body of Christ. Jesus is the head — and we make up the rest of the body. It’s why Jesus reminded us, “When I am healed, I am not healed alone.” It’s works this way too because I only have permission to change myself — not anyone else — but when I change, others change too. 


Mar 11, 2020 - Thought Garden    Comments Off on Other Thoughts

Other Thoughts

 Other Thoughts

“The only person who should ever have to live by your standards is you.  Let everyone else off the hook.” Mike Dooley

“Be kinder than necessary aware that everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

“The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.” ~Tenzin Gyatso, XIV Dalai Lama. - Be Thanksfull

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa

“Smiling people do less and get more.”  Seen on Mike Dooley website…

“Two of the most powerful words in the English language for bringing about change are “thank you.” Especially when offered before the change even occurs and everything still looks pretty much like it did yesterday.”  Seen on Mike Dooley website…

“It’s easy to forget that life is the greatest gift of all.”~ Karli Perrin

May we remember and be grateful for the gift of our lives and the gifts in our hearts…among them: compassion, joy, and beauty — Charlene Costanzo
When I read this from Charlene today, I realized that God did not have to give us life — but He did anyway — and now that we have this gift, we get to figure out what to do with it???   Mark
“…and is a father angry at his son because he fails to understand the truth?”  ACIM  I like this thought a lot…
Dear Garrett, my friend, Mike Dooley, who writes on behalf of “The Universe” sent this note out recently. I took his note and fashioned it to send this thought to you:
“When our Spirits arrive here on Earth, having been drawn from the ether of space as expansion products of God, we arrive here as pioneers into illusion, adventurers into the unknown, and lifters of veils.

By coming here, we are deemed courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

In coming to Earth, we live our lives giving beyond reason, caring beyond hope, and loving without limit; we reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of our fears.

These are the hallmarks of divinity – traits of the immortal – our badges of honor. Our unseen hosts remind us to wear them with gratitude and faith as great as what they feel for us.

In so living here, we will notice our light illuminating darkened paths and lifting broken spirits, as we go about our days pointing the path of lives heavenward.

We witness many lives on our planet demonstrating great courage while simply living our daily lives. As we continue living here let’s keep up the courage to continue here while we are here and remember to, “Be not weary in well doing” as we do so.
“If you’re not afraid of losing, you’ve already won…”